Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tattoos In A Work Place - 1666 Words

Tattoos in the Business World Since I was a little girl, I have always admired the different ways people â€Å"decorate† their bodies: colored hair, make-up, piercings, and tattoos. Though some may be a tad bit outrageous for my taste, I always appreciated it. Piercings, though visible a majority of the times, are easily hidden. There are special piercing rings that are clear, so that they may not be seen if prohibited in a certain environment. Tattoos on the other hand are a much more complicated issue. Tattoos of coarse can be done in areas of the body where one can cover them up with clothing. But what about other areas not so easy to cover, areas such as; hands, neck, face, and arms. I have always been told that I must be careful where I†¦show more content†¦I thought she made a good point about the flower having no offense because it is true it is not a common thing to hear someone tell you to cover your flower tattoo because it offends them. With my motherâ€⠄¢s responses, I was able to figure out that she stands on a neutral position in this dilemma. I next decided to interview my boyfriend, Cris. Cris is a 6’1† guy, twenty years of age, with no tattoos, and no piercings. He grew up with a very religious family, who attend a catholic church weekly. I began to ask him if he had planned on getting any tattoos in the near future. â€Å"No. not at this moment because I don’t want to make a mistake on deciding on a tattoo that will later in the future regret† (Cris). I asked him what do he considered to be a mistake? â€Å"A mistake is anything that isn’t thought through thoroughly. For example a girlfriend’s name, not knowing for sure how long the relationship is gonna last. You have to be extremely careful with decisions like this because once it’s on you’re kinda screwed with it forever or screwed with a bad removal scar† (Cris). Is your Catholic religion against tattoos? â₠¬Å"No not necessarily, there’s a whole bunch of people covered in ink that attend my church, they aren’t treated different. My mom however is against it, she believes what the Bible says when it mentions something about your body being a temple so you must treat it as such† (Cris). Do youShow MoreRelatedTattoos in the work place700 Words   |  3 Pages Tattoos in the work place Today in America there is less problems having tattoos in the work place. As tattoos proliferate, some employers’ are becoming more accepting of body ink peeking through work place attire but the level of acceptance varies depending the industry and the corporate cultural. The work force is more interested in your educational skills and skills for the job. 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